Our platform empowers you to design and produce live highly interactive social experiences.
Give your audience a live and moderate stream.
Simple moderated, automated streams of conversations from YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and more;
Put your most-valued conversations in more places where they can be seen: Such as your website or public monitor;
Filter conversations to control the messaging and commentary from salespeople, reporters and play-by-play opportunities;
Tell your audience as it happens with real-time blogging.
Post and update stories as they happen;
Deliver gripping, audience-exciting reporting commentary with real-time information;
Welcome audience interaction and participation;
Feature interviews in English, Spanish, Chinese, more.
Feature news-style interviews on your site in real-time;
Produce ongoing coverage that puts exciting event coverage ontoa homepage.
Post real-time Facebook, Twitter messages and create # wall campaigns.
Publish up-to-the-minute media onto a media center wall;
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube conversations, hashtag campaigns;
Promote an event to a lobby monitor, jumbo monitor, homepage or store;
We`ll design a layout for a specific audience.
Customize the digital and layout images with design services for:
Page layouts that summarize and engage;
Websites that incentivize;
Give ardent sports fans the scores.
Engage sports Fans;
Bring the NCAA or major league sports events to your pages to feature sports scores, data and information;
Photograph and submit a flow of live-time image.
Project images from your local drive and/or social media page;
Feed a streaming gallery onto your wall;
Feed images to your pages in real-time and engage interactive updates;
You broadcast in “second-screen” for real-time interaction.
Enhance live broadcast feeds with commentary on coverage as it happens;
The second-screen experience enables unparalleled audience, real-time interaction and feedback loops;
Embrace opportunities to insure and incentivize strategic segments with campaigns;
After the interviews and images, we`ll edit them.
The post-production phase is where we package your media for effective distribution of:
The podcast show series;
The commercial spot that features a live testimonial;